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News Releases

Press Releases Table
December 2020
Reed Supports Bipartisan Agreement to Avoid Shutdown & Deliver Immediate COVID-19 Relief
Senators Urge President-elect Biden to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Infodemic
Reed Warns Communities & Economy will Suffer if Congress Leaves Restaurants & Small Businesses Out in the Cold This Winter
As Congressional Negotiators Near Finish Line on Bipartisan COVID Relief Agreement, Reed Works to Include Flexibility & Additional Time for State & Local Governments to Effectively Allocate Coronavirus Relief Funds
November 2020
Reed Urges Senate Republicans to Resume COVID-19 Relief Negotiations & Extend Key Programs to Save Lives, Jobs, & Communities
As RIers Gear Up for Small Business Saturday, Reed Seeks to Provide Small Businesses with Lifeline Legislation to Help Them Stay Afloat
Reed Delivers $1.83M to Help RI Renters Who Lost Income Due to COVID
Reed Condemns Trump Administration’s Irresponsible Move to End Emergency Pandemic Lending Programs
Reed: Congressional Republicans Continued Blockade of COVID Relief Is Causing Unemployment to Rise Higher Than It Should
October 2020
USDA Drought Declaration Means Federal Assistance Available for RI
Reed Statement on Trump Recklessly Abandoning COVID Relief Negotiations
FAFSA Now Open & Sen. Reed Urges RI Students to Apply Early to Access College Aid
New GAO Report Highlights Urgent Need for Federal Investment in Public School Infrastructure
September 2020
Reed Seeks to Deliver $120B Lifeline for Restaurants
Warren, Hassan, Reed Urge President Trump to Reverse Relocation of POW/MIA Flag at the White House
August 2020
RI Delegation Demands Trump Administration End Sabotage of Postal Service
Reed & Whitehouse Reject Conditioning Federal Education Funds to Schools Reopening In-Person
July 2020
Amidst Pandemic, Reed Launches Online Art Gallery to Showcase Student Creativity
Reed Introduces the Library Stabilization Fund Act to Provide $2 Billion in Emergency Funding for Libraries Impacted by COVID-19
June 2020
Sen. Dems: $175 Billion Education Investment Urgently Needed to Save the 2021 School Year & U.S. Economy