WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the U.S. Senate voted 97-2 in favor of an amendment that would punish Russia for interfering in last year’s presidential election by imposing a new round of sanctions, and would also prohibit President Trump from lifting new or existing sanctions that were imposed after Russia’s violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty without Congressional approval.  U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee and a senior member of the Banking Committee, cosponsored the measure and issued the following statement:

“President Trump may be unwilling to confront or condemn Russian interference in our democracy, but today the U.S. Senate sent a loud, clear, bipartisan message that we will punish any nation who tries to meddle in our elections.  This targeted Russian sanctions measure is long overdue and I am pleased it received overwhelming support in the Senate.  Congress needs to do the right thing and get this bill to the President’s desk.  The President should sign this legislation to show that he is putting America’s best interests ahead of Russia.”

The amendment was negotiated by members of both the Banking and Foreign Relations committees.  The Russia sanctions package will be added to a comprehensive Iran sanctions measure.