WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) tonight issued the following statement on President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Obama outlined a plan to move America forward, improve the economy, and revitalize the middle-class.  He proposed substantial initiatives to help U.S. manufacturers hire new workers and accelerate economic growth.

“Throughout our nation’s history, the American people and businesses have proven that if given a chance to compete they will succeed.  Making college less expensive and investing in job training programs will give more Americans an opportunity to build a better future and create a stronger workforce. 

“This summer I voted for a law that cuts $2.2 trillion from the budget to control the deficit, yet we still have to make smart investments to bring back our economy.  When it comes to a national energy policy, our country cannot afford to stand still.  The President made a compelling argument for more clean energy incentives to increase American competitiveness, help consumers save on their energy bills, and reduce pollution.

“The middle-class has felt the brunt of the economic downturn while big corporations take advantage of loopholes and offshore tax havens.  We must restore fairness to the tax code if we want to start restoring the middle-class.  And I hope we can get strong, bipartisan support to provide tax relief for working families.  Continuing the payroll tax cut for a full year will help folks keep more of their hard earned paychecks and allow businesses plan for the future.  We also need to preserve unemployment insurance for those who have been laid off through no fault of their own.

“More needs to be done to spur a housing recovery.  Until there is a greater focus on getting housing right, we won’t be able to anchor a sustainable economic recovery that reaches middle-class families.  The President knows I believe there is more for his Administration to do when it comes to proactive housing recovery solutions, such as converting vacant foreclosed homes into affordable, energy-efficient rental units.  While I was pleased to hear him touch on some of these issues, families with an underwater mortgage need far more concrete steps.

“The President laid out an ambitious agenda and Congress needs to do its part to meet these challenges and help solve tough problems.  Where the speech ends is where the real hard work begins.”