Senate Votes to Change Course in Iraq
WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. Senate today sent a strong bipartisan signal to President Bush that the administration must change course in Iraq. Following the vote, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a member of the Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement: "This is a strong message which amplifies the action of the House and reflects the overwhelming sentiment of the American people. "It is a message that must be heeded by the President and the government of Iraq. "This resolution will allow us to focus on missions that are essential to our security: training Iraqi security forces, going after terrorists, and protecting our forces, and allows us to begin a phased redeployment. "And it also contains robust funding for American forces, because our commitment is to fund those forces. But it is also our commitment, and our effort over the last several months, to give them a mission that is sensible and contributes to the security of the United States and I think this resolution does that."