WASHINGTON, DC The United States Senate today passed an amendment offered by Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) to help ensure that the United States Coast Guards Civil Engineering Unit (CEU) remains in Rhode Island.Reed stated, The Civil Engineering Unit Providence has provided the U.S. Coast Guard with vital support for many years. It is essential that the unit continues its work in Providence to help keep Rhode Island and the region safe. The U.S Coast Guard is in the process of developing a plan to reorganize its Civil Engineering Program. Reeds amendment would require the Coast Guard to report to the Senate on proposed changes to the program before it takes any action to alter or reduce operations.In May of 2006, Reed sent a letter signed by other members of Rhode Islands Congressional delegation to the Coast Guard expressing their concerns about its plans. The need for the CEU to remain in Rhode Island is even more important when our state, like the rest of the country, is facing increasing homeland security needs. This is especially important in light of the Bush Administrations decision to cut Rhode Islands homeland security funding by 50 percent from last year, and 66 percent from the year before, Reed stated. CEU Providence provides crucial planning and facilities maintenance to the U.S. Coast Guard in New England and across the nation.Reed stated, I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure that the Civil Engineering Unit remains in our state, and that the men and women of the unit who have served New England and our nation so well continue to carry out their important duties.Reeds amendment to the fiscal year 2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill was accepted by voice vote.