WASHINGTON, DC - By a vote of 100-0, the U.S. Senate today approved the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill for fiscal year 2010, including $73.55 million U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) helped secure to upgrade Naval Station Newport.

"This federal funding will allow the Navy to make critical renovations at Naval Station Newport and improve readiness and operational support for our troops," said Reed, a member of both the Armed Services and Appropriations Committees. "This federal investment is vitally important to the continued presence and growth of Rhode Island's military facilities and defense industry, which play an important role in our state's economy."

Reed also touted the $109 billion included in the bill for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for fiscal year 2010, an increase of $150 million above the President's budget request. The bill includes $3.2 billion for health care and support services for homeless veterans, provides the resources needed to hire 1,200 new claims processors to tackle the VA claims backlog, and allocates $580 million for medical and prosthetic research, a portion of which is performed by medical professionals at the Providence VA and Brown University.

The bill also includes $48.2 billion in advance appropriations for fiscal year 2011 for three key medical programs operated by the VA: Medical Services, Medical Support and Compliance, and Medical Facilities. On October 22, President Obama signed the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act into law. This legislation, which Senator Reed cosponsored, authorizes advance funding to help the VA plan ahead for providing medical care for our veterans. This will ensure a stable and uninterrupted source of funding for veterans' medical care.

"Our service members continue to serve our nation with great courage and distinction. And it is essential that we provide our veterans with quality health care and support services," said Reed.

The Senate bill must now be reconciled in Conference Committee with the version passed by the U.S. House of Representative. After the conference completes its work, the final version of the bill must be approved by both the Senate and the House before going to President Obama's desk to be signed into law.

The 2010 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill includes funding for the following projects at Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island:

$45.8 Million
Officer Training Command Quarters
Naval Station Newport

This bill includes $45.8 million for the construction of a new building to house Officer Training Command students and provide administrative space for command and support staff.

$17.5 Million
Consolidation of Army Reserve Centers
Naval Station Newport

This bill includes $17.5 million to consolidate the Bristol, Harwood, and Warwick Army Reserve Centers into one facility at Naval Station Newport.

$10.55 Million
Renovation of Senior Enlisted Academy
Naval Station Newport

This bill includes $10.55 million Reed requested for the Naval Station Newport to renovate Tomich Hall, which is used by the Senior Enlisted Academy (SEA). These repairs will prevent the continued deterioration of the facility and ensure adequate living conditions for SEA students.