WASHINGTON, DC - In an effort to improve the prospects of unemployed Rhode Islanders in finding work, Rhode Island’s Congressional delegation today announced that the state will receive $524,394 from the U.S. Department of Labor to provide re-employment and eligibility assessments to beneficiaries of unemployment insurance.

The funds will be used to expand the unemployment services currently offered, allowing the state to conduct in-person assessments that will help individuals identify their strengths and opportunities in the workforce, and provide them with referrals for job training and other re-employment services.  The personalized reviews also enhance the integrity of unemployment insurance payments, ensuring that only those who are eligible receive assistance.

“At a time when so many Rhode Islanders are looking for work, we need to do everything we can to provide a helping hand.  This critical funding will help more Rhode Islanders with their job search and address the concerns of Rhode Island companies with job openings who often say they cannot find workers with the appropriate skills,” said U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and U.S. Representatives Jim Langevin and David Cicilline.

The assessments consist of an eligibility review, a provision of labor market information, the development of a re-employment plan for beneficiaries and referral to re-employment services or training.  The in-person assessments will be offered at One-Stop Career Centers throughout the state.

Rhode Island is one of 37 states to receive this award. 

For more information on the range of Department of Labor employment and training programs, visit http://www.doleta.gov