WASHINGTON, DC - Rhode Island's Congressional delegation today announced that the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) will receive over $24.2 million to purchase twenty new, 40-foot hybrid buses and upgrade 10 trolleys to hybrid propulsion. The federal funding will also be used by RIPTA for capital maintenance and to upgrade public transportation throughout Rhode Island.

The money is provided to the state through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which was supported by U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and U.S. Representatives Patrick Kennedy and Jim Langevin, and signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009.

"These new hybrid buses will help save fuel and money while reducing pollution," said Senator Jack Reed.

"As we work to get our economy back on track, it will become increasingly important to reduce our reliance on foreign fuel sources and boost public transportation," said Whitehouse. "This is a smart investment for Rhode Island."

"These green buses will help improve Rhode Island's public transportation system and save taxpayer dollars in the long run," said Congressman Patrick Kennedy.

"Part of our economic recovery includes the construction of new, clean, and affordable options for people to travel to work," said Congressman Jim Langevin. "This funding will literally help drive our state's recovery."

RIPTA is a quasi-public, independent authority. Established in 1966, RIPTA is authorized to operate public transit services throughout the State of Rhode Island.

The Congressional delegation also announced $350,000 for the On-the-Job Training and Supportive Services program, which funds apprenticeships and training centers for Rhode Islanders seeking careers in transportation, engineering, or construction.