WASHINGTON, DC – With a possible hurricane landing this weekend, Rhode Island’s Congressional Delegation today announced the state will receive $15 million in federal funding from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  This federal funding will be administered by DHS’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  The federal grants will help state and local agencies prepare for and respond to natural and man-made disasters.

“At a time when the state and localities face tight budgets, these federal funds will help them equip our police and emergency responders as well as improve security at our ports.  These federal grants are all part of making sure that we’re prepared and continue to improve the state’s emergency response capabilities,” said U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a member of the Appropriations Committee.

"This funding will help keep Rhode Islanders secure by ensuring our first responders have the training and tools they need in the event of an emergency," said U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), a member of the Judiciary Committee and a former Attorney General and U.S. Attorney for Rhode Island.

“As people up and down the East Coast were reminded in the aftermath of yesterday’s earthquake, we cannot predict these events, but we know the potential consequences of being unprepared. These funds are critical to ensuring that Rhode Island’s communities will be able to limit and repair damage in emergency situations to preserve our citizens’ livelihoods and our economy,” said Representative Langevin.

"This critical funding addresses our security and emergency preparedness needs by supporting the work of our first responders,” said Congressman Cicilline. “These funds will help Rhode Island’s emergency responders prevent, respond to, and recover from emergency situations and natural disasters better and more effectively.”

Rhode Island will receive the following fiscal year 2011 Homeland Security Grant funding:

State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Funding: $5,137,205

This program helps the state equip emergency responders and train them to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from emergencies and acts of terrorism.

Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) Funding Allocation: Providence - $281,693    

This funding helps local officials plan for and respond to regional mass casualty incidents, including terrorism, naturally occurring events, and large-scale hazardous materials incidents.

Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) Funding Allocations (Boston Area – Including 17 counties and 17 principal cities spanning most of eastern Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, and all of Rhode Island): $1,281,976

This program supports coordination of regional all-hazard planning for catastrophic events.  There are eleven high-risk, high-consequence urban areas nationwide that have been pre-designated as eligible for this fiscal year 2009 funding.

Intercity Bus Security Grant Program: $15,627

The program seeks to assist operators of fixed-route intercity and charter bus services in obtaining the resources required to support security measures such as enhanced planning, facility security upgrades, and vehicle and driver protection.  Flagship Trailways was selected for a grant through a competitive process based on the ratings of the National Review Panel.

Driver’s License Security Program: $684,804

This program provides funding to prevent terrorism, reduce fraud and improve the reliability and accuracy of personal identification documents that states and territories issue.  DLSGP is intended to address a key recommendation of the 9/11 Commission to improve the integrity and security of state-issued driver’s licenses (DL) and identification cards (ID).


Emergency Management Performance Grants: $3,134,509

This funding provides grants for the purpose of providing a system of emergency preparedness for the protection of life and property in the United States from hazards, and to place responsibility for emergency preparedness jointly in the federal government and the states and their political subdivisions.  The federal government, through the EMPG Program, provides necessary direction, coordination, and guidance, and provides necessary assistance, so that a comprehensive emergency preparedness system exists for all hazards.


Citizen Corps Program (CCP):  $95,053

CCP provides funding to bring community and government leaders together to coordinate the involvement of community members and organizations in emergency preparedness, planning, mitigation, response, and recovery.  

Port Security Grant Program: $4,360,000

The Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) helps protect and strengthen the security of Rhode Island’s ports and surrounding infrastructure.  The purpose of the PSGP is to support increased port-wide risk management; training and exercises; expansion of port recovery and resiliency capabilities; and further capabilities to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from attacks involving non-conventional weapons. The list of Rhode Island grantees follows:

City of Cranston, Rhode Island Fire Department                    $58,000

East Providence Fire Department                                             $798,000

Interstate Navigation Company                                                 $37,800

North Kingstown Fire Department                                           $832,000

Providence Emergency Management Agency                          $367,800

Providence Police Department                                                  $1,151,342

Prudence Island Volunteer Fire Department                          $51,000

Quonset Development Corporation                                          $204,950

Rhode Island DEM, Division of Enforcement                          $26,000

Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority                        $225,000

Sprague Energy                                                                          $8,000

Town of Narragansett                                                               $600,000
