WASHINGTON, DC –  Congressional Republicans and President Trump cried foul when the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report detailing that as many as 24 million Americans could lose their health insurance under Trumpcare.  However, an internal White House analysis obtained by Politico concluded that Trumpcare could actually cause up to 26 million people to lose their insurance coverage over the next decade.

U.S. Senator Jack Reed stated: “Trumpcare won’t make things better.  Instead, it would cost working Americans and seniors more and provide them with less coverage.  Republicans tried to discredit the non-partisan CBO score, but even their own analysts can’t hide the fact that 26 million Americans would suffer under Trumpcare.”

Politico reported that, according to the White House analysis, health insurance coverage losses would include “17 million for Medicaid, 6 million in the individual market and 3 million in employer-based plans.” Politico also noted: “A total of 54 million individuals would be uninsured in 2026 under the GOP plan, according to this White House analysis. That’s nearly double the number projected under current law.”

“Trumpcare would be a disaster for working families.  It would drive up health care costs and force states to raise taxes to keep up with the new burdens it would force them to shoulder.  This analysis is further evidence of another ‘say one thing; do another’ move by President Trump.  Gone is the promise about covering “everyone,” and in its place are huge tax cuts for millionaires and higher costs for many of the people President Trump claimed he wanted to help,” said Reed.  “Once again, I urge Republicans to scrap this unworkable version of Trumpcare and work with Democrats to improve the Affordable Care Act.”