WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed today voted to oppose Dr. Ben Carson's nomination to lead the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Dr. Carson was confirmed by a vote of 58-41.  After the vote, Reed stated:

“Dr. Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon, and I appreciate the commitments he made during the confirmation process to uphold critical fair housing laws and help create safer homes for our nation’s children, particularly with regard to lead-based paint. 

“However, I am not convinced he is the right person to lead HUD at this critical moment. 

“The Trump Administration has made clear its intent to cut vital programs and pursue policy changes that could dramatically impact HUD programs and harm vulnerable Americans. 

“Dr. Carson himself may disagree with the White House, but his lack of experience in government and with housing and supportive service programs forces me to question his ability to stand up to the White House and advocate for the rights and protection of the millions of individuals and families that HUD programs serve. The White House and Justice Department’s recent decision to overrule the Secretary of Education’s efforts to protect transgendered students from discrimination in schools shows why we need experienced leaders in this Administration. 

“I also have grave concerns that Dr. Carson will be complicit in this Administration’s threats to withhold essential federal housing and community development funds from communities that support comprehensive immigration reform. 

“Again, I respect Dr. Carson.  He has an inspiring personal story, and, unlike other cabinet nominees in the Trump Administration who have vowed to dismantle the agencies they are charged with leading, Dr. Carson has real respect for HUD.  However, my continued reservations about where he will lead HUD require that I vote no.”