WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) issued the following statement regarding the crisis in Nagorno Karabakh, where a conflict launched by Azerbaijan against Armenians that was supported by Turkey and proxy forces has caused a mass humanitarian disaster:

“What has unfolded in Nagorno-Karabakh is an absolute travesty.  Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the proxy forces involved in this premeditated aggression toward Armenians must be held accountable.

“This campaign against Armenians was launched on the Trump Administration’s watch because time and again President Trump has shown he won’t stand up to Erdogan or other autocrats.

“The Trump Administration’s failure to commit effective, high-level attention to diplomatic efforts to stop the violence hurt Armenia, damaged the credibility of the United States, and will make it harder for the incoming Biden Administration to restore American leadership.

“President Trump’s feckless approach to this crisis, abdicating the diplomatic lead to Russia, contributed to a one-sided, ceasefire that puts nearly 2,000 Russian troops in the contested zone and gives control of the Lachin Corridor to Putin. 

“The United States must not overlook the human rights abuses committed against the Armenian people or the devastating casualties suffered in the conflict.  The Administration should send a clear signal that the U.S. will engage in international mediation efforts by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Minsk Group to build a lasting, durable peace that protects human rights, does not uproot Armenians from their homes, or reward aggression.

“We should not acquiesce in the unilateral redrawing of borders through military action.  This will only lead to greater unrest in the region and increase the likelihood of conflict in the future.”