WASHINGTON, DC—Today, President Joe Biden outlined a three-phase plan to help end the ongoing war in Gaza, which includes a temporary ceasefire, the release of Israeli hostages, and a reconstruction strategy for Gaza. U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement urging Hamas to accept the proposed plan:

“I commend President Biden for his work to help fashion a plan to end the war and build a lasting peace. It will take hard work on the part of all partners in the region, but what the President outlined today represents real hope for Israel and the Palestinian people.

“No one should forget that Hamas ignited this war by murdering, kidnapping, and committing unspeakable atrocities against more than a thousand innocent Israelis on October 7th.

“Hamas has been degraded, but the Palestinian people are suffering extreme costs. The humanitarian situation will continue to worsen, Israeli hostages will continue to be held captive, and Israel’s long-term security will be weakened unless there is an end to the fighting.

“President Biden is right. The United States and international community must work together to help rebuild Gaza, observe and enforce protection protocols, and put an end to Hamas’ ruinous control over innocent Gazans. Only then can there be a lasting end to these hostilities.”