WASHINGTON, DC – Although it is unlikely to garner the 60 votes necessary to break a Republican filibuster, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) remains optimistic that Congress will act on a variation of the jobs package proposed by President Barack Obama.  Today, Reed issued the following statement:

“I support the American Jobs Act because it is an effort to boost the economy and put more Rhode Islanders back to work.  It is focused on proven job creating elements that will help small businesses and working families.

“With all the gridlock in Washington these days it is sad but not surprising that even a strong jobs bill with bipartisan ideas would get stalled. 

“But I remain optimistic because Rhode Islanders want Congress to act on a jobs plan. 

“They understand the need to put people to work rebuilding our infrastructure and revitalizing our communities.  They support upgrading our schools and keeping teachers in classrooms so that we can prepare today’s students to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

“They support helping businesses and families by cutting payroll taxes, so that parents have an extra $1,500 a year to spend.  And they support the fact that the bill is fiscally responsible and  fully paid for by asking millionaires to pay a lower tax rate than they did under President Reagan. 

“I am going to continue to press Congress to pass this jobs bill to get people back to work and grow the economy.”