WASHINGTON, DC -- In its efforts to eliminate the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Trump Administration has now gone a major step further in asking the courts to throw out the entire law, which includes critical protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a strong supporter of the ACA, today warned that if the Trump Administration’s legal strategy succeeds and the courts dismantle the ACA, then millions of consumers would likely lose health care coverage or face higher costs.  Reed stated:

“This is proof that President Trump was being dishonest when he tweeted last fall: “Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not!”  It was a cynical attempt to mislead and deceive voters.

“President Trump and Congressional Republicans failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act when they controlled the executive and legislative branches of government.  So now they are turning to the judicial branch to try to invalidate the entire law and take away vital consumer protections.  This is a tectonic shift that could negatively impact the health and finances of millions of Americans.

“President Trump is now actively seeking to tear down protections for pre-existing conditions, kick young adults off their parent’s health plans, and eliminate state Medicaid coverage for many low-income families.  But he is still trying to hide the harm and increased health costs people would face if his courtroom strategy succeeds.

“Rolling back health care reform would help big insurance companies at the expense of average Americans.  It would mean people can be denied coverage or charged more because they’re a woman or have a pre-existing condition.  That doesn’t help more people get needed care and it doesn’t combat the cost of health care.

“And let me remind you that although President Trump has instructed his lawyers at DOJ to support full repeal, the President himself still has no workable plan to replace the law.  Ending the Affordable Care Act with nothing to replace it is beyond irresponsible. 

“The health care debate should be about improving the Affordable Care Act and bringing down costs.  Instead, President Trump is making it about how to deny coverage to more people and make them pay more for less.”