WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after the White House released a summary memo of President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), an ex officio member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, issued the following statement:

“It’s beyond troubling to read in black and white that the President of the United States is abusing his power and pressuring a foreign government to interfere in our democracy to aid his re-election bid.  It’s doubly disturbing that President Trump traffics in baseless conspiracy theories while dangling the threat of withholding U.S. military aid to try and further his own personal, political agenda.  It is unacceptable and has implications for our national security and the integrity of our democracy.

“President Trump’s shifting explanations for his actions are neither credible nor plausible.  His attempts to use Rudy Giuliani and the Attorney General of the United States to try to dig up dirt on a political opponent and settle scores is disgraceful. 

“The Intelligence Committee needs to hear directly from the whistleblower and other key witnesses and the American people should be able to see the facts for themselves.  This was not a one-off request for a ‘favor’ by President Trump and it is not the first time he has sought foreign interference in U.S. elections.

“There is a pattern of President Trump seeking to harness America’s diplomatic and law enforcement powers to advance his own personal, political, family, and business interests and priorities rather than what is best for America.  You see it in Ukraine, Russia, the Middle East, Asia and elsewhere.  It is harmful and alarming, and the abuse of power must stop.

“There must be a bipartisan commitment to getting at the truth of this matter.  If Congress doesn’t stand up to President Trump’s self-dealing and hold him accountable, it will permanently change the nature and scope of presidential power.  If this type of corruption goes unchallenged it will deal a lasting blow to our democracy.”