WASHINGTON, DC — Today, after an investigation showed that the U.S. Defense Department improperly disclosed sensitive information about its Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or JEDI, cloud computing contract decision, and that the investigation was hindered by senior officials who claimed a novel “presidential communication privilege” to avoid answering key questions, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement:

“This report is troubling and incomplete.  It offers yet another example of the president’s efforts to inappropriately pressure federal agencies.  It also raises the specter that President Trump suddenly fired the independent DOD watchdog because of his willingness to ask tough questions.

“The White House’s assertion of some kind of ‘communications’ privilege is part of a pattern of refusing to answer questions and ethical lapses by a president who wants no independent oversight and is firing inspectors general left and right.

“Mr. Fine’s removal now appears connected to his willingness to do his job and ask hard questions. 

“My Republican colleagues will have to decide at some point whether the president’s stonewalling is something they want to endorse, and set a precedent for all future presidents. 

“The American people should understand that President Trump is unwilling or unable to answer basic questions that any other American has to answer.  This administration continues to violate basic ethical protocols and they must be held accountable.”