WASHINGTON, DC – On the two-year anniversary of Russia's illegal, full-scale invasion of Ukraine, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who just returned from a Congressional Delegation to Ukraine, issued the following statement:

“As we mark two years since Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, I want to reiterate my admiration for the bravery and resilience of the Ukrainian people.  And I want to remind the world: the U.S. still stands with Ukraine.

“Under a brutal assault from Russia for two years, Ukraine has repelled Putin’s forces on many fronts with bravery and skill.  The Ukrainian people have endured unspeakable hardship, yet continue to stand together.

“Throughout this unconscionable war, the United States and the international community have stood behind Ukraine with admirable resolve.  American leadership helped build a coalition of nations from the Atlantic to the Pacific to provide Ukraine with unprecedented military, economic, and humanitarian support, and that support must endure.

“U.S. support for Ukraine is a strategic investment that has saved lives and strengthened America’s economic and security interests on a global scale.  A free Ukraine benefits the U.S. and global stability, and will help deter future aggression.

“During our conversation with President Zelenskyy yesterday, my Senate colleagues and I discussed what Ukraine needs to continue to defend itself and protect its citizens.

“Ukraine is fighting for the values that we cherish; freedom, democracy, civil society, and peace. Seventy percent of the U.S. Senate came together on a bipartisan basis to keep America’s promise to help Ukrainians defend themselves from Putin’s brutal invasion.

“I am hopeful that the dysfunctional roadblocks in the House will soon be overcome.  Congress must step up to protect the American people and our national interests by passing the National Security Supplemental. 

“Despite lies from Putin’s propaganda machine, the world saw what Putin did to Alexei Navalny.  We see what he is trying to do to Ukraine, to Europe, and to democracies around the globe.  He will not succeed because good people will come together and do the right thing.”