WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed issued the following statement on the possibility of President Trump declaring a national emergency:

“There is no security emergency at the border, but President Trump’s actions could spark both a humanitarian and constitutional crisis.  Never in our history has a president declared a national emergency to circumvent Congress for a construction project he previously failed to get authorized and appropriated. 

“President Trump billed himself as a dealmaker who would make Mexico pay for the wall.  Mexico said no.  Then President Trump said he would shut down the government until Congress gave the money he wants for a wall.  Congress said no.

“President Trump should not take the extreme, illogical, and legally dubious step of declaring a national emergency to divert funds to build an ineffective wall.

“Under the guise of an emergency, President Trump is attempting to subvert Congress’s constitutional authority to appropriate funds.  Congressional Republicans should not go along with this charade. 

“It is in America’s national interest to maintain checks, balances, and barriers to prevent Presidents from seizing this kind of power.  If President Trump tears them down now in order to build his wall, he could do serious long-term damage.”