WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after the U.S. House of Representatives voted on a bipartisan basis to impeach Donald J. Trump, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) issued the following statement:

“In a clear, bipartisan rebuke of Donald Trump, the House impeached him for attempting to incite violence and reverse a free, fair, and properly-certified election. 

“Once the articles of impeachment are transmitted to the Senate, a transparent and deliberate process must commence.  The American people will have an opportunity to examine further evidence and Donald Trump must be held accountable for his actions.

“Even before that process begins, it is worth noting that Donald Trump’s hostility toward our democracy and his own Justice Department has caused thousands of U.S. National Guardsman to be deployed to the U.S. Capitol Building, ready to defend it if a second siege is attempted.  Trump’s disregard for our democracy has caused law enforcement in all fifty states to be put on high alert for further acts of violent insurrection by white nationalists and extremists.

“The attempt to take away Americans’ right to democratic self-government failed.  And I will do my part to uphold the law and defend the nation and the Constitution from all threats both foreign and domestic.”