WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after President Trump announced he will nominate DC Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) issued the following statement:

“I have a Constitutional duty to thoroughly vet Supreme Court nominees and I intend to rigorously do so on behalf of all Rhode Islanders.

“I opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lower court seat because of his overtly partisan background.  I did not believe he was a good fit to serve on the DC Circuit then, and I do not think he is a good fit for the Supreme Court now.

“President Trump had an opportunity to put forth a mainstream nominee who could bring the country together.  Instead, he once again chose partisanship and the powerful over the interests of hardworking Americans.

“A Justice Kavanaugh would pose a serious threat to Americans’ access to health care and their civil liberties.  He has demonstrated a pattern of putting the interests of powerful corporate litigants above citizens, consumers, and working families.

“All senators should demand that Judge Kavanaugh pledge to recuse himself on any issue involving President Trump’s civil or criminal liability, particularly any issues that may arise from the ongoing Trump-Russia investigation.

“It is imperative that the Supreme Court be fair, independent, and free from any questions about its legitimacy.  I believe the Senate should pause consideration of this nomination until the special counsel has concluded the investigation and the American people are given all the facts.”