WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed today issued the following statement after President Trump delivered his State of the Union Address:

“President Trump’s speech was misleading, polarizing, and divisive.

“President Trump tried to use this speech to position himself as the source of our economy’s strength and resilience.  The fact is: President Trump inherited a strong economy on the upswing from President Obama and the economy grew at a slower rate in 2019 – 2.3 percent – than it did the year before the Trump tax law was enacted.  And last year’s 2.3 percent growth rate matches the average rate over the last decade.  That’s hardly a ‘great American comeback,’ and certainly a far, muffled cry from President Trump’s 2017 boast that the economy could grow at an annual rate of four, five, or six percent under his presidency.

“Since he was elected, President Trump has tried to undermine healthcare for families by repealing the Affordable Care Act.  Tonight, the President talked about health care.  But through lawsuits and other means he continues to try to actively strip legal protections that guarantee health care coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. 

“If President Trump were genuinely concerned about our schools, he wouldn’t continue trying to divert billions of dollars from public schools to private schools through the DeVos Voucher Plan, or strip away protections for student borrowers trying to pay for college.

“America’s economy can and should be doing better.  The State of our Union should be stronger, but President Trump’s erratic leadership is impeding progress. 

“The American people deserve leaders with integrity who will stand up for constitutional principles, not trample on them; and who will expand opportunity for working families, not try to exploit them.”