WASHINGTON, DC – Tonight, the U.S. Senate voted 52-47-1 to confirm U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as U.S. Attorney General.  After the vote, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), who voted against Sessions, issued the following statement:

“I respect Jeff Sessions, but we have fundamental disagreements on civil rights, women’s rights, voting rights, torture, and a host of issues.  I do not think he is the right person to be our Attorney General.  I am concerned his allegiance to the President could inhibit his ability to be an independent voice and impartial arbiter at the Department of Justice.  Senator Sessions has not demonstrated sufficient willingness to push back against President Trump’s executive overreach.  Now that he has been confirmed, I will work to hold him and the Trump Administration accountable and ensure our laws are enforced fairly, not selectively.”