PROVIDENCE, RI – Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling to prevent the Biden Administration from forgiving a portion of student debt:

“Once again, this Supreme Court overreached to meet its ideological preferences. 

“Americans burdened by college debt deserve targeted relief.  This ruling blocks it.

“Student loan debt is holding back a generation of young Americans, and today’s ruling adds to the financial burden many families are facing.

“We need to redouble efforts to provide targeted relief for borrowers who are struggling and fix the underlying problem of college affordability.  Congress must also pass a law to ensure that colleges have more skin in the game for student debt or the problem will continue to balloon until it pops all over taxpayers.

“Congress should double the Pell Grant to restore its purchasing power the way Congress intended.  We also need a more robust federal-state partnership on affordability and student success.  I have put forward legislative proposals to accomplish these goals and will continue working to get them across the finish line and deliver real relief to hardworking Americans.”