WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Jack Reed issued the following statement today on Republicans’ refusal to work toward a bipartisan, long-term budget agreement:


“Nine months ago President Trump said “our country needs a good shutdown.”  Now Republicans are basically giving him what he wants, and wasting taxpayer dollars and creating uncertainty in the process. 


“Americans deserve a fully functioning government. 


“For months, President Trump and Congressional Republicans have prioritized corporate tax cuts over passing a budget that helps working families. Congress repeatedly passed short-term spending bills over the last several months in order to provide additional time to negotiate a long-term, bipartisan budget agreement. However, no real talks ever occurred and the President has provided contradictory and changing objectives.


“Now here we are, already four months through the fiscal year and Republicans are insisting on yet another one month stopgap.


“Enough is enough. 


“Our military leaders have warned that this is a wasteful approach that constrains their ability to make long-term strategic decisions.  And it doesn’t begin to address other needed priorities.


“For too long, the American people have waited for Congress to do the right thing and reach an agreement on budget caps, healthcare, immigration, and a host of issues.  We need a long-term reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program and funding for our community health centers, resources to combat the national opioid epidemic, and emergency disaster relief to help storm-stricken communities recover.  But for months, Republican ignored the needs of working men and women.  They prioritized corporate tax giveaways over passing a budget that helps our veterans, protects workers’ hard-earned retirement security, supports a strong national defense, and provides a pathway to citizenship for kids who were brought to this country by their parents and are contributing to their communities and serving in our military. 


“The American people overwhelmingly support these priorities, and I think most Republicans do too.  All we need now is a real deadline so a bipartisan agreement can be reached.  I’m ready to work, and I hope the President and Congressional leaders join that effort.


“I'm ready to do my part to help end this impasse and reach a principled solution.  I urge the President and my Republican colleagues to do the same.”