WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a member of the Armed Services Committee, made the following statement today regarding the announcement that General James Jones will be stepping down as President Obama's national security adviser, and will be replaced by his top deputy, Tom Donilon:

"I commend General Jones for his 40 years of dedicated service to our nation as a Marine, having served as Commandant of the Marine Corps and as Commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Europe. As President Obama's National Security Advisor, General Jones played a key role in efforts to defend our nation against terrorist threats and in the President's review of our strategy in Afghanistan.

"As an experienced public servant, Tom Donilon is an excellent choice to succeed General Jones in this position. Through a long-time involvement in international issues, including his experience as Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Donilon will provide a continuity of leadership as National Security Advisor to President Obama that is critical to our nation's wellbeing."