WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today released the following statement in reaction to President Obama’s speech at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio:

“Today at Cuyahoga Community College the President laid out a balanced approach to strengthen our economy and the middle-class.

“President Obama and former Governor Romney articulate two fundamentally different visions.  The choice is clear: do we fix government or simply blame government?  Do we regulate Wall Street and restore fairness to the tax code or go back to failed economic policies that favor the wealthy and leave workers behind?

“Mitt Romney is simply rebranding the discredited Bush policies of tax cuts for the rich and loopholes for corporations as a new strategy.

“I agree with the President that filibusters and gridlock in Congress are stalling economic recovery.  It is time to get America working again and it is time for Congress to do its job and pass substantive, practical solutions to meet the challenges of our time.”