WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s decision to tap Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond “H.R.” McMaster to be the new National Security Adviser:

“General McMaster has a reputation for courage and candor.

“General McMaster has yet to declare how he intends to serve in this new capacity.  If he wants to retain his rank as an active three-star general while serving in the White House as the national security adviser, the Senate will have a role in the process and a vote.

“There are weighty questions about senior active duty officers and non-military service that deserve careful consideration.  The Senate should play a constructive role in this process.”

Reed also noted that during his first month in office, President Trump raised bipartisan concern by elevating Steve Bannon to a permanent seat on the National Security Council while downgrading the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the permanent council.

Ordinarily, the National Security Advisor does not need to be voted on by the full U.S. Senate.  However, the law requires the Senate to vote on the ranks of three- and four-star generals when they are assigned new jobs.