Reed Statement on President Obama’s State of the Union Address
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) tonight released the following statement on President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address:
“Tonight, President Obama reminded us how far we’ve come, how far we have to go, and called on us to join together and build upon the progress we have made.
“This President inherited a global financial crisis from his predecessor. And not only did he steer us out of the depths of a Great Recession, but we added 14.1 million jobs and expanded affordable health care coverage to 17 million more Americans.
“These are important, fundamental steps. But more needs to be done to expand opportunity and build a better and more just society for all.
“We must take steps to support working families, so they can afford child care or take sick leave when they need it. We must ensure there is real wage growth, as well as job growth. And that means restoring fairness to the tax code and other measures that will benefit the middle-class.
“It means reducing gun violence and making our communities safer.
“It means investing in education and workforce training, improving our schools, and tackling college affordability, so we can develop the next generation of Americans who will lead the way.
“It means supporting the development of new energy-efficient technologies that can lower energy bills for consumers and businesses alike, help protect the environment, and create sustainable jobs here at home.
“Tonight, the President also reminded us that we have to come together as one people to protect the nation and make the world a safer place. We’ve got to make sure that our ideals and aspirations of peace and justice prevail over those who seek to spread insecurity and fear. This will take a concentrated effort by our intelligence services, diplomats, and military personnel who serve so bravely and so well. But it will also take the unified support of the American public.
“The President has laid out a pathway forward, building on the strengths of the past and the enduring character of the American people. And I think in doing so he’s charted a better direction for this country. Now we have to work together to get there.”