WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a member of the Armed Services Committee, made the following statement today regarding the President's decision to accept General Stanley McChrystal's resignation as the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan and replace him with General David Petraeus:

"President Obama made the difficult but appropriate decision that was in the best interest of our troops and our national security.

"A four-star general must be held to the same standard of conduct as a Private. General McChrystal has a long record of service, but I believe the behavior depicted in this article fell short of his own high standards, and the standard for all our soldiers.

"While there was no dissension about actual strategy or policy, General McChrystal was relieved of duty because he crossed a line and became a distraction to the important goal of defeating radical terror groups.

"General Petraues is an experienced, thoughtful commander who will step in and provide a continuity of leadership in carrying out this important mission.