WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after skyrocketing cost estimates led the Department of Defense to announce that the military parade requested by President Trump that was slated to take place the fall is being postponed for at least a year, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a former Army Ranger and the Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), issued the following statement:

“Halting this costly idea is the right call.  It would have diverted resources and manpower from core missions.

“I know President Trump really wants to lead a big military parade past his D.C. hotel, but a real leader wouldn’t put his own wishes above what’s best for our troops.  Spending $100 million on this parade is beyond wasteful.  Defense dollars would be better spent equipping our troops, caring for veterans, and enhancing national security.

“The best way to honor our troops is to provide them with the resources they need and a strategy that is worthy of their sacrifice.  This parade was more about President Trump’s whims than what’s best for our troops.  Our military has enough duties and responsibilities on their plates already.

“Democrats and Republicans must work together to ensure every tax dollar is wisely invested.  I will continue demanding answers about the costs and potential impacts of this parade.  It won’t go forward without careful analysis and cost justification. 

“If the President wants to honor our troops he can start with a simple, heartfelt thankyou to those brave men and women who serve.  That doesn’t cost a cent.”

Earlier this month, Senator Reed led a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting a thorough cost analysis and evaluation of the impacts such a parade would have.