WASHINGTON, DC - Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed, a member of the Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), led by Trump-appointed Chairman Ajit Pai, voted 2-1 yesterday to start the process of undoing net neutrality rules and the classification of broadband service under Title II of the Communications Act.  As currently classified, Internet service providers (ISPs) are prevented by law from favoring or disfavoring content delivered to their subscribers.

“The Internet has thrived under the principle of net neutrality and the Trump Administration’s move to roll back these protections is misguided and counterproductive.  It may be a boon for big companies that sell Internet access, but it will likely harm consumers and strip Internet users of access to a truly open Internet.

“Today, the Trump Administration moved toward giving big ISPs the power to erect virtual toll booths for some customers and fast lanes for others on the information superhighway. 

“This decision by the FCC came in the wake of overwhelming public feedback in opposition to proposals that would allow ISPs to prioritize certain content streams over others.

Today’s vote by the FCC is not the final step.  Under the law, the FCC must undergo a period of public input.  Senator Reed urged people to visit: https://www.fcc.gov/general/send-us-your-comments for an update on how and when they may weigh in and make their voices heard.