WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), an ex officio member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement:

“We may not know every detail and there may be more to come, but no American citizen can look at these emails and see anything other than an utter lack of respect for our democratic system and the American people. 

“It is outrageous that a presidential candidate’s family members and top campaign staff would actively seek to use the fruits of foreign interference in U.S. elections.  These emails should have been turned over to law enforcement months ago. 

“If permitted to do his job independently, I have faith that the special counsel will follow the evidence wherever it leads and untangle the expanding Trump-Russia web.  This is a complex, multi-layered investigation that will take time.

“But under no circumstances is it ever acceptable for people seeking the presidency, or the people around them, to behave this way.”