WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed today issued the following statement on the bipartisan health care framework to strengthen the Affordable Care Act (ACA):

“I commend Senators Alexander and Murray for working together to bridge the partisan divide and return some stability to the health insurance marketplace.  I support the framework they have put forward, in particular, reversing President Trump’s decision to defund key subsidies which help keep costs down.  

“This is a positive, bipartisan step toward a short-term solution that will give Rhode Island needed flexibility and ensure hardworking Americans have access to affordable health care.

“But frankly, Congress shouldn’t just be working on anti-sabotage solutions.  It is wrong for President Trump to play political games with people’s health care and undermine America’s health care system.  This is an attempt to clean up some of the mess he is making.

“Congressional Republicans in DC must step up and truly join Democrats in working on bipartisan fixes to lower health costs for consumers and bring stability to the individual insurance market.”