Washington, DC -- At the urging of U.S. Senator Jack Reed, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) today announced it will temporarily extend the federal income tax filing deadline to May 11, 2010 for Rhode Islanders affected by this week's flooding.

"I applaud the IRS and the Obama administration for responding so quickly, and I am pleased they are providing a small measure of relief to Rhode Islanders who are still dealing with this unprecedented flood. Tax season can be stressful, and this short-term extension will give Rhode Island families one less thing to worry about as they begin the daunting task of rebuilding their homes and businesses." said Senator Reed.

Earlier this week, President Obama issued an Emergency Declaration for the State of Rhode Island, making all five counties - Bristol, Kent, Newport, Providence, and Washington - eligible for federal assistance.

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue at the Internal Revenue Service granted a federal income tax filing extension for all Rhode Islanders.

The new federal income tax filing deadline for Rhode Islanders will be May 11, 2010.