WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), today announced that the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Interior-Environment Appropriations Conference Report, will provide over $30 million in federal funding for conservation and clean water projects in Rhode Island. The bill passed the House 247-178 earlier today and the Senate 72-28 this evening. The Conference Report now goes to the President to be signed into law.

Reed, a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Environment, noted that the Interior spending bill provides money for land acquisition, drinking water and storm water infrastructure, and environmental preservation projects.

"I am pleased to have secured this critical funding to help improve our water systems and preserve Rhode Island's natural resources and wildlife refuges. The clean water funding will help upgrade the state's aging sewers and water infrastructure and alleviate budget pressure on cities and towns throughout Rhode Island," said Reed.

The bill includes over $27.5 million for the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds, which provide loans to communities throughout Rhode Island to repair and replace aging water and sewer infrastructure.

Clean Water SRF: $13,994,400
Drinking Water SRF: $13,578,730
Total statewide allotment: $27,573,130

The bill also includes the following projects for Rhode Island:

The Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex: $900,000
The Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex will use the funding to help acquire a 52 acre conservation easement, and 10 acre fee title acquisition on the Tower Hill area of the John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge.

Newport Ultraviolet Disinfection System: $500,000
The City of Newport will use the funding for an ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system to reduce bacteria loadings and improve beach water quality at Easton's Beach.

Cranston Wastewater Pump Station Improvements: $400,000
The City of Cranston, Rhode Island will use the funding to make improvements to its Allard, Randall, and Amanda Street wastewater pump stations to help eliminate sanitary system overflows.

North Providence Stormwater and Flood Control Improvements: $400,000
The Town of North Providence will use the funding for improvements to the town's drainage system to help eliminate flooding in several neighborhoods, including Lymansville, Mariville, and Centerdale.

East Providence Water Main Cleaning and Lining: $400,000
The City of East Providence will use the funding to implement its approved Infrastructure Rehabilitation Plan (IRP) for water main cleaning and lining in order to continue to provide quality drinking water to its residents.

Warwick Bell and Clock Town Preservation: $350,000
The City of Warwick will use the funding for preservation needs for the bell and clock tower above Warwick City Hall.