WASHINGTON, DC - Recognizing his dedication to protecting U.S. consumers, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) received the 2008 Philip Hart Public Service Award from the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) for championing of issues that better the lives of working Americans. CFA is a pro-consumer advocacy group representing more than 50 million members nationwide. The organization educates consumers and serves as a consumer-rights watchdog.

In bestowing the award to Reed, CFA noted: "In three terms representing the state of Rhode Island in the U.S. House of Representatives and two terms in the U.S. Senate, Jack Reed has earned a reputation as a thoughtful and capable legislator. He has been a dependable supporter of consumer initiatives on a wide range of issues, with a particular focus on protecting the interests of working class Americans. Consistent with these ideals, he has taken a leadership role in efforts to create a low income housing trust, to improve consumer disclosures on mortgages, and to provide stronger protections and better alternatives for families facing foreclosure. He has also been a leader in efforts to increase funding for the Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program, to give all children access to affordable healthcare, and to raise corporate average fuel efficiency standards."

Accepting the award, Reed stated: "I am truly honored to be a recipient of the Philip Hart Public Service Award. I want to thank the Consumer Federation of America -- an organization that has successfully advanced the public dialogue on vital issues such as consumer and investor protection, housing, health, and energy, among so many others. Much like in the 1960s and ‘70s, our nation is at a critical juncture -- Americans want policies that benefit ordinary citizens, not just the privileged few. I am hopeful that we can work together in the coming months to improve the economy, reform housing regulations, lay the foundations for improved financial regulation, and reduce energy prices."

CFA's award program stated: "Since becoming Chairman of the Senate Securities Subcommittee in 2007, Senator Reed has distinguished himself by his impressive expertise in complex accounting and investment issues and by his tough oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission. That oversight has sought to bring to light the regulatory lapses that led to the current credit crisis, with an eye toward preventing a future recurrence of similar regulatory failures. Combining a sharp intellect with a fundamental decency and a passion for public service, Jack Reed is a fitting recipient of the Philip Hart Public Service Award."

The award is named after the late Philip Hart, a former Senate Majority Leader from Michigan who was known as "the Conscience of the Senate," and played a crucial role in shaping many important civil rights, consumer, and antitrust bills. Past winners of the award include Vice President Al Gore (1995), Senator John McCain of Arizona (2003), Senator Richard C. Shelby of Alabama (2005), and Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius (2007).

U.S. Senator Carl Levin of Michigan presented the award to Reed at CFA's 38th Annual Awards Dinner in Washington, DC. U.S. Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) was also honored at the event.