WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after President Donald Trump suggested to Fox News that Gold Star families may have given him COVID-19 at a recent indoor White House event that the Trump Administration organized and hosted, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement:

“Whether he intended it or not, the President has blamed an event with families who lost their loved ones in battle for giving him COVID.  That is a shocking statement even for this President.  He must immediately apologize.  Failure to do so would be yet another example of his callous disregard and disrespect for the women and men of our Armed Forces who we ask to stand in harm’s way.  

“President Trump seems to think it’s okay to try and shift the  blame and scapegoat others for his own failures.  Instead of casting aspersions on the families of the fallen for infecting him, President Trump should be transparent about his own actions, who he met with and when, and release detailed medical information including a timeline and do some real contact tracing to help stop the spread.  Instead, President Trump is continuing his pattern of irresponsible behavior.  Military families know how to follow orders.  They’d be the first to wear a mask if asked.  Stop blaming, deflecting, and denying, Mr. President, and start leading.”