WASHINGTON, DC - Today, following the announcement that President Bush has authorized the United States Marine Corps to recall thousands of non-active duty Marines to active duty -- due in large part to a shortage of volunteers for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan -- U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a member of the Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement: "The Administrations decision to call up non-active duty service members of the United States Marine Corps is yet another example of the wear-and-tear on our military in Iraq. The strain on these soldiers and their families is extraordinary, forcing many to halt new careers or their education," said Reed. "After bravely serving our nation, often for more than one tour, these men and women are being asked to once again shoulder a heavy burden. The drain on our soldiers, their families, and the militarys resources caused by todays operations in Iraq and Afghanistan need to be addressed immediately or there will be severe long term consequences for the nation and our military. "President Bush needs to articulate a strategy other than "stay the course" because our military is having increasing difficulty sustaining these operations."