WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed announced his intention to vote against President Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos:

“Ms. DeVos flunked her confirmation hearing and is not the right person for the job.

“Our Secretary of Education should be a champion for all children – not someone like Ms. DeVos who suggested that a landmark civil rights law should be left up to states.  

“As a lobbyist, Ms. DeVos helped reduce school oversight and accountability in Michigan and promoted the diversion of taxpayer dollars toward private schools. 

“Given her ties to for-profit education companies that will be directly impacted by Department of Education decisions, it is hard to fathom how she could fully untangle herself from a thick web of conflicts. 

“Neither her background, nor her testimony before the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee inspire confidence that she has the experience or vision necessary to oversee national education policy, including higher education and the management of a $1 trillion student loan portfolio. 

“When our students have access to good schools, quality teachers, and high quality college and career education opportunities, there is no limit to what they can achieve.

“But if Ms. DeVos is confirmed, I fear she will take resources away from public school students and direct them to for-profit schools and institutions that share her views.  I don’t think that is fair to students and I don’t think Ms. DeVos should be confirmed to lead the U.S. Department of Education.  I will vote no.”