WASHINGTON, DC – After news reports indicating that President Trump has urged Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Joseph Dunford Jr. to hold a showy military parade through the streets of Washington, DC, US Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement:

“At a time of stress and strain on our military budget, President Trump is proposing a costly parade that would divert needed resources from our military’s core missions.

“There are many opportunities to show support for our Armed Forces at local parades and nearby military installations.  The President may honor those who served by visiting wounded warriors at Walter Reed or our fallen heroes at Arlington National Cemetery.  And, if any federal official has questions about the strength and superiority of our military, I recommend they visit Fort Bragg, where I was honored to serve, or any other major military training facility.  There they will see the U.S. military hard at work ensuring we remain the finest fighting force in the world.

“Our military is strong and supported by Americans across the political spectrum.  The President and Congress must provide smart, strategic leadership that matches the courage and sacrifice of our all-volunteer Armed Forces, and, just as importantly, keep politics out of the military.”