WASHINGTON, DC - After weeks of Republican obstruction, the U.S. Senate tonight passed 59-38 a temporary extension of unemployment insurance benefits, COBRA health insurance subsidies, and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The House is expected to take up and pass the Continuing Extension Act of 2010 (H.R.4851) later tonight or tomorrow.

"It's disheartening that Republicans put politics before people by allowing these vital programs to lapse. Using procedural tactics to stall and delay was another punch in the gut to our families, businesses, and communities," said Reed. "Rhode Islanders and Americans across the country are in desperate need of emergency assistance and are relying on us to rally behind them."

In March, the Senate passed a longer-term solution, the American Workers, State and Business Relief Act (H.R. 4213), to extend these critical programs through the end of this year. The House of Representatives passed its longer-term extension bill in December. The House and Senate are now working to merge the two bills and send legislation to President Obama.

A summary of the Continuing Extension Act of 2010 follows:

• Extension of Unemployment Insurance Programs - Extends Federal Unemployment Programs retroactively, including the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program, through June 2, 2010.

• Extension of COBRA Assistance - Extends eligibility for 65% subsidy for COBRA premiums through May 31, 2010 and provides transition relief for individuals who lost their jobs between March 31, 2010 and the date of enactment.

• Extension of National Flood Insurance Program - Extends provision through May 31, 2010.

• Extension of Medicare Physician Update - Extends current Medicare payment rates for physicians (preventing a 21% payment reduction) through May 31, 2010.

• Extension of Small Business Administration Programs - Continues funding for loan programs that provide small businesses with the capital they need to succeed and grow. The bill extends funding to reduce or eliminate fees under the Small Business Administration's 7(a) loan guarantee program and the 504 loan program through May 31, 2010.