PROVIDENCE, RI -- U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today issued the following statement congratulating President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris:

“Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their historic victory.

“I have worked closely with both of them in the past and look forward to working with them in the future to meet the many challenges before us and create new opportunities for Rhode Island and working families nationwide.

“Facing a pandemic and hardship, the American people turned out in unprecedented numbers and voted for decency and change.  They voted for strong, stable leadership that can help heal and guide the nation.  We will listen to their voices and respect their choices.

“This was a truly historic ticket.  Not only did President-elect Joe Biden earn more votes than any candidate in American history, but Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is now the first woman to win the Vice Presidency and she will also be the first Black person and first South Asian American person to serve in this critical post.

“This was a spirited campaign, but now the campaign is over.  President-elect Biden won by laying out a clear, positive vision for a stronger, healthier, more prosperous and more united America.  President Trump needs to respect the will of the American people and ensure a smooth, peaceful transition of power.  Senator McConnell must also accept reality and the fact that the American people have elected a Democratic President, and a Democratic House, and a closely divided Senate.

“I am confident Americans will come together and rise once more in the spirit of cooperation, with respect for the rule of law, and in the service of justice and the freedoms we all cherish.  We will ensure the promise of America continues to flourish and endure.  Together, we will prevail.”