GLOCESTER, RI - In an effort to help teach local high school students about alternative energy and prepare them to advance our nation's energy independence, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today joined students, teachers, and officials at Ponaganset High School in announcing a $984,000 federal appropriation he secured for the Foster/Glocester Regional School District's Ponaganset Alternative Energy Lab and Biomass Facilities Project. This federal funding will allow Ponaganset schools to further their innovative alternative energy education and demonstration program. The program will serve as a model for other schools and organizations in Rhode Island and across the country.

"America is at an energy crossroads. Fossil fuels will one day be history and it is important to educate young people about the environmental, economic, and national security benefits of alternative energy sources. This new Energy Lab at Ponaganset High School will help today's students learn to harness and develop renewable energy technologies that will power the future of our country," said Reed, a member of the Appropriations Committee. "Not only will this program benefit students here in Ponaganset, it will also serve as a model for other schools around the country so that their successes can be replicated nationwide."

Ponaganset High has been giving students hands-on lessons in utilizing fuel cells since 2001 when they began the Fuel Cell Education Initiative. This federal funding will help Ponaganset design, build, and equip a state of the art Energy Lab which will be a dedicated projects-based learning environment for students that will include electric vehicle, fuel cell, bio-diesel, biomass, solar, wind, and other leading-edge energy technology projects. The Energy Lab will further Ponaganset High's pioneering role in energy education and will provide students with the technological knowledge and skills for higher education and careers, and to successfully compete and achieve in the global economy.

"Through Senator Reed's effort, Foster/Glocester Regional School and District and Ponaganset High School will be able to take the next step in the development of a national model for alternative energy. This project will enable the school district to create a model that will lead to energy independence, quality educational learning environment, as well as alternative energy curriculum and thus jobs for the future," said Ray Fogarty, a member of the Foster/Glocester Regional School Building Project.

In addition to construction and design, the funding will be used for:

Communication and Computer Technology to support the Energy Lab
This technology will provide the means for student research using the most current information, website creation, multimedia presentations, and digital documentation of the program.

Biomass Heating Systems at Ponaganset High School and Middle School
These Biomass systems will be the first in Rhode Island and will serve as the pilot model for our state. Using waste wood chips that are a by-product of the lumber industry, the operation of these state of the art systems will greatly reduce energy costs well into the future and reduce our dependency on foreign oil. The Biomass heating systems will serve the function of heating the schools as well as provide an outstanding learning opportunity for students.

Alternative Energy Education and Demonstration
The development of biofuels from plants, waste cooking oil, algae, and other domestic sources has enormous potential in reducing our reliance upon foreign oil while ensuring sustainable fuel sources and lower emissions. This grant will provide funding for a biodiesel production system in the Energy Lab and for Alternative Energy curriculum development.

Wind Turbine Electricity Production
Electricity production from wind is growing exponentially throughout the world and the economic opportunities are enormous. This funding will provide equipment for wind power generation, meteorological platforms to determine wind power production potential, and wind power educational materials.

Solar Energy
Power production using photopholtaic panels is an outstanding source of clean, renewable, distributed power generation. Solar panels are currently used for remote communications equipment, military electronics, and progressive homes and businesses. This grant will fund photovoltaic panels to support the education program.

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
Greater efficiency, a cleaner environment, and increased energy independence is the promise of hydrogen fuel cell technology. This grant will provide fuel cells and support materials for the Fuel Cell Systems course that has been offered to Ponaganset students since 2003.

Share the results of the Ponaganset Alternative Energy Program Nationally
A major component of this alternative energy plan is to enable the implementation of similar programs in other schools and communities. This can take the form of world wide web-based information, energy conferences, and presentations around the country.

The website provides a good example of Ponaganset High School 's alternative energy programs and projects currently shared on the World Wide Web that can be further developed.