Reed Announces Funding for Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
PROVIDENCE, RI U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today joined Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Acting Director W. Michael Sullivan, PhD, and Department of Elderly Affairs Director Corrine Calise Russo to announce that the state has been awarded a $180,844 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to fund the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program in Rhode Island. This is the second federal grant the state has received for the program, which was initiated last year.The grant, awarded to DEM's Division of Agriculture, will be used to provide low-income senior citizens with coupons that can be exchanged for fresh produce at farmers' markets and roadside stands throughout the state. The program enables participating seniors to obtain fresh, nutritious, locally grown fruits, vegetables and herbs from all 22 farmers' markets operating in Rhode Island, including four farmers' markets located in state parks. DEM coordinates the program in conjunction with the RI Department of Elderly Affairs.Senator Jack Reed stated, "The grant is a win for older Rhode Islanders and for Rhode Island farmers. These coupons to buy local produce will give our seniors access to food that tastes better and is more nutritious, while supporting the state's agricultural economy and reconnecting citizens in urban areas with our state's farmers."To qualify for the program, persons 60 or older make a simple self-declaration of income based on household size. Qualified persons will receive three $5 vouchers to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at approved farmer's markets and roadside stands statewide. The program will continue through October 31."In addition to the nutritional benefits to seniors from fresh fruit and vegetable consumption, last year the redeemed coupons provided $212,000 in sales for the 45 participating farmers," said DEM Acting Director W. Michael Sullivan, PhD. "The program helped establish season-long buying relationships between many senior citizens and farmers that continued long after the coupons were exchanged."Information will be available at meal sites and senior centers across the state. Elders should call their local senior center or meal site, or they can call the DEA Customer Information, Referral and Assistance Center at 462-4000 (Voice/TTY)."The Department of Elderly Affairs and its nutrition network is once again pleased and excited to be partnering with DEM in the Senior Farmer's Market Program," said Corinne Calise Russo, DEA Director. "The benefits to both our older Rhode Islanders and our local farmers is wonderful. It's certainly a "Win-Win" situation for all involved."