WOONSOCKET, RI — In an effort to protect Woonsocket's citizens, homes, and businesses from flooding, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today joined Woonsocket Mayor Susan D. Menard and Colonel Curtis L. Thalken, District Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to announce a new, federal law requiring the United States Army Corps of Engineers to take over the annual operations and maintenance of the Woonsocket dam and flood control levees.

Reed, who serves on the Armed Services Committee and the Appropriations Committee, secured language in the 2008 Defense Authorization Bill, which was signed into law last week, requiring the Corps to assume responsibility for the annual operation and maintenance of the Woonsocket Dam and flood control levees.

"I am proud to have secured language in the 2008 Defense Authorization Bill to help safeguard Woonsocket's residents, homes, and businesses from flooding," said Reed. "The devastation wrought by levee failure in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina demonstrated the crucial need for keeping our infrastructure up to date. This law will take the economic burden of operating and maintenance costs off of the city of Woonsocket and potentially prevent local homeowners living downstream from costly increases in flood insurance."

Woonsocket officials estimate that Reed's provision will save the city $250,000 annually and millions of dollars in repairs in the coming years.

An assessment by the Army Corps of Engineers of the Woonsocket local flood protection project completed in November 2006 found the levee and dam needed repairs. Originally, the Corps gave the City six weeks, or until December 31, 2006, to make these repairs, or risk eligibility for future federal construction funding through the Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, the Corps warned if the repairs were not made, FEMA could determine that the levee no long offers the necessary flood protection and could require residents buy flood insurance. Senator Reed worked with the city and the Corps to resolve the situation.