WARWICK, RI – U.S. Senator Jack Reed today announced that the Rhode Island Airport Corporation (RIAC) has received the next installment of federal grant money toward upgrading T.F. Green Airport and its ongoing runway relocation project.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved $20.85 million to continue work on safety and expansion projects for Runway 16-34.

"T.F. Green is vital to our state’s economy and upgrading the airport and expanding the runway are smart investments that will help attract new business and jobs to Rhode Island.  This is another positive step toward modernizing T.F. Green and better positioning the state to compete,” said Reed, a member of the Appropriations Committee.  “The airport is a catalyst for economic development throughout the state and I am pleased the FAA continues to support these vital improvements.”

Kelly Fredericks, President and CEO of the Rhode Island Airport Corporation, said: “We owe a debt of gratitude to Senator Reed for his continued interest and efforts on our behalf.  He has worked to ensure that  we receive the federal funding necessary for Green Airport to improve our infrastructure, stay competitive and continue our role in supporting economic development in the state Rhode Island.  We also want to thank the Federal Aviation Administration for continuing to be a strong partner in helping our airport achieve its goals.”

In 2011, the FAA approved plans for T. F. Green to extend the primary runway, Runway 5-23, to the south by 1,530 feet to a total length of 8,700 feet.  The longer runway will allow for larger, heavier planes which could mean West Coast and international flight options for travelers.

As part of this overall improvement plan, the airport is also expanding the runway safety area on the Runway 16-34, adding an engineered materials arresting system (EMAS) that will create an enhanced runway protection zone.  Work is already underway and as part of the modernization, Hangar 1 has been removed to eliminate  an airspace obstruction near Runway 16-34.

This latest installment of FAA funds will provide funding for Phase V of the project, which includes mitigation to meet Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management requirements.

In addition to the safety improvements on the runways, the airport is also currently constructing a multi-million dollar deicing containment facility and processing plant, funded in part through a loan from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF).  As chairman of the Senate Interior Appropriations Committee, Reed has made it a priority to maintain federal support for the SRF program under the EPA.  

The airport continues to implement noise abatement programs and is working toward reconfiguring parts of Main Avenue.
