WASHINGTON, DC - In an effort to support the arts and community programs throughout Rhode Island, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today announced that Rhode Island arts organizations will receive $1,108,000 in federal grants through the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). These federal matching grants will help support workshops, performances, exhibitions, and arts education programs.

"This is a smart investment in cultural capital that will help many local arts centers get through tough times. In addition to promoting art education programs, these NEA grants will help generate economic activity," said Reed, a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee that oversees NEA funding. "By combining federal grants with private donations, we can ensure that more Rhode Islanders have access to free and affordable concerts, performances, and opportunities for cultural enrichment."

Reed's predecessor, the late Senator Claiborne Pell (D-RI) helped create the National Endowment for the Arts, a public agency dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts, both new and established; bringing the arts to all Americans; and providing leadership in arts education.

"Senator Pell helped broaden public access to the arts and nurtured and supported countless American artists. These federal grants continue to remind us of the valuable contribution he made to our state and the nation," stated Reed.

Earlier this year, Governor Carcieri proposed eliminating the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts' entire $700,000 grant fund, which provides financial aid to arts programs around the state.

Nationwide, the NEA awarded more than $93 million in fiscal year 2010 grants in this round of funding to over 1,200 organizations across the nation. Rhode Island projects receiving funding include:

$818,500 for Rhode Island State Council on the Arts to support the organization;

$75,000 for Silk Road Project, Inc. to support "Silk Road Connect," an educational initiative;

$60,000 for FirstWorks to support Celebrating Ailey: Dance and Music;

$50,000 for Alliance of Artists Communities to support Artists Communities: New Approaches to Supporting Today's Artists;

$25,000 for Project New Urban Arts to support the Arts Mentoring Fellowship Program;

$20,000 for Community Musicworks to support free music education and performance programs targeted to reach at-risk children and youth;

$20,000 for Providence City Arts for Youth, Inc. to support the Community Youth Arts Program;

$15,000 for FirstWorks to support the production of FirstWorks Festival 2010;

$15,000 for RiverzEdge Arts Project Inc. to support studio arts and design apprenticeship program for underserved youth (ages 12 to 19) in northern Rhode Island; and

$10,000 for Community Musicworks to support performances of American chamber music by the Providence String Quartet with related educational activities.