NEWPORT, RI - In an effort to provide the U.S. Navy with the resources and capabilities it needs to protect America's citizens, interests, and allies, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) and U.S. Representative Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) today joined with Captain Michael Byman, Commander of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Newport to announce $9.9 million in federal funding to build a new Unmanned Anti-Submarine Warfare Support Facility. Reed and Kennedy, who both serve on the Appropriations Committee, secured the funding to convert a World War II era building, originally built as a steam plant, into a new, state-of-the-art facility for the Navy to test unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), underwater surveillance, and other undersea technologies.

Unmanned underwater vehicles vary in shape and size and can range from being small enough to be held by hand or as big as a torpedo. UUVs and USVs contribute to a number of vital missions: mine warfare; intelligence; surveillance; and reconnaissance, as well as undersea environmental sensing and mapping. They can operate in areas where manned vessels cannot because of shallow water or underwater mines, and therefore substantially increase the reach of our forces while reducing the risk to sailors and crew.

"This new facility is a smart investment in meeting the Navy's near-term needs while improving our ability to address future challenges. Unmanned vehicles protect our sailors and forces in the field and provide them with critical and timely intelligence. They also have important civil purposes, like rescue missions, ocean mapping, and researching the ocean floor," said Reed, who also serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee. "I commend the men and women of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center for the vital work they perform, which is crucial to our nation's security. This facility will allow them to begin work on the next generation of unmanned underwater vehicles. It will also help reinforce Newport's role as a high-tech and development hub of the Navy's undersea technologies."

"The Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport is among the nation's finest research and development facilities, attracting some of the most talented scientists and engineers from around the world. This federal funding will ensure the long-term future of this facility by constructing a state of the art Unmanned Anti-Submarine Warfare Support Facility. For the Navy and the defense industry, the Naval Undersea Warfare Center is the crown jewel of New England's defense infrastructure and I will continue to work tirelessly on its behalf," said Representative Kennedy.

Located in Newport, the Naval Undersea Warfare Center is the Navy's full-spectrum research, development, test, and evaluation, engineering and fleet support center for submarines, autonomous underwater systems, and weapons systems associated with undersea warfare.

The federal funding that Reed and Kennedy secured will be used to pay for demolition and construction of a new 15,000 square foot interior, utilizing steel frame construction to create a partial second and full third floor within the high bay portion of the building. A 3,000 square foot canopy will be added to provide a sheltered outdoor work area. The project will also convert 13,000 square feet to 18,000 square feet of modern engineering space. The federal funds will also be used to outfit the entire building with a new sprinkler system.

The architectural and engineering design portion of the project was awarded last month and construction is set to begin next year.