WASHINGTON, DC  Today, an amendment introduced by U.S. Senators Patty Murray (D-WA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Jack Reed (D-RI), and Dick Durbin (D-IL) to increase funding for the successful Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program was passed by unanimous consent. The TIGER program has awarded $4.1 billion to support more than 340 innovative transportation projects in every state in the nation, yet each year the funding available falls short of the high demand for TIGER awards.

“Investing in infrastructure is a critical part of broad-based and long-term economic growth,” said Senator Murray. “And it’s not a partisan issue either—Democrats and Republicans agree that infrastructure investments get workers back on the job and help the economy grow in communities across the country. TIGER has done so much in Washington state already; from the North Spokane Corridor in Spokane to the modernization of Terminal 46 at the port of Seattle. I am proud that Democrats and Republicans in the Senate have joined me in recognizing the difference that TIGER has made, and can make in the future of our nation.”

“One of my highest priorities as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development has been to help ensure that our nation's vital transportation infrastructure does not fall into disrepair. I have seen first-hand how critically important TIGER grants have been to economic growth, infrastructure repairs, and many bridge and port projects in my home state of Maine that may not have otherwise been built,” said Senator Collins, the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development. “To date, Maine has received more than $90 million for highway, bridge, airport, rail, and port projects through the successful TIGER grant program.”

“The TIGER program is critically important for states and local communities to help fund infrastructure projects that create jobs and spur economic growth.  The competitive TIGER program funds projects all over the country that better connect communities and make it cheaper and faster to move goods to market, helping us compete in the global economy.  I am proud to support the TIGER program and remain committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to strengthen investment in our nation’s transportation infrastructure,” said Senator Jack Reed, the Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development.

“When we created the federal TIGER grant program as part of the Recovery Act, it marked the first time local officials could go directly to the federal government for transportation spending. Support for the program has been overwhelming. In Illinois, the more than $225 million in funding that our state has received to date through the TIGER grant program has been essential to maintaining safe, efficient transportation systems that connect workers with jobs and spur economic development. I commend Senator Murray for her leadership on this important issue. Investing in our nation’s priority projects today will lead to stronger economic growth long into the future,” said Senator Durbin.

TIGER is a unique, cost-effective program that supports critical investments in roads and bridges, public transit, freight and passenger rail, and ports. The amendment was introduced by Senators Murray, Collins, Reed and Durbin, and Senator Blumenthal was added as a cosponsor.
